Saturday, April 9, 2011


Welcome to my new music blog! I'll be using this space to share record reviews, news, editorials and the like. Really, it's just a place to hone my craft as I look for a career in the journalism industry, but that doesn't mean I can't have fun with it!

I have a few ideas for features that I will develop in the future, but for the time being, I'll stick to record reviews and the occasional news post. The few features I have lined up are:

Entry Points: Certain artists have large bodies of work, and jumping into their catalog can be a daunting prospect for a new listener. Entry Points seeks to streamline that task, giving the newbie the essential albums, and an outline of where to go from there.

Second Spin: In addition to reviewing new records, I want to go back in time a bit, and give an older album a second shot. Perhaps a then-classic that hasn't aged well, or an unfairly maligned piece that deserves a second chance! No record I review under this feature will be less than ten years old.

My Life In Music: A more personal project, I will be choosing fifty-two albums from my past and review them weekly, as well as give some backstory on my own life. It may prove to be an eye-opening experience for both the reader and the writer!

So, that's it for now. I want to get back into the habit of writing at least once a day, or every two days at the least. That's really the whole point of this blog. But, I fear this introduction has grown too long, so farewell for now. I hope you enjoy this as much as I will!

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